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New bouldering wall in Myszyniec


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Jesteśmy na etapie finalizacji budowy skały boulderowej, która powstaje na terenie nowo realizowanego kompleksu sportowo-rekreacyjnego „Kurpiowska Kraina” nad zbiornikiem wodnym „Wykrot” i rzeką Rozogą na terenie gminy Myszyniec. Więcej informacji oraz zdjęć wkrótce.


New climbing wall ready to use


At the end of December we completed work on the community sport center climbing wall in Jedlicz. The wall is 8 meters high and 7 meters wide. The overhang is 1,5 m. There are six climbing routes, three of them allow lead climbing. Some of the climbing holds were mounted specially for beginners to help them in their first contact with the wall. Other holds are suited for experienced climbers.

Hala Widowiskowo Sportowa w Karlinie ściana wspinaczkowa realizacji Art Rocher

Work in Karlina completed


The over 110 meter high climbing wall was built in the Sports hall in Karlin. The wall is fully made out of rock imitating profiled panels.